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Collection Development Policy


The Tinley Park Public Library acquires and makes available materials that inform, educate, entertain, and enrich people as individuals and as members of society.

The Tinley Park Public Library Board of Trustees supports and adopts the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights, Freedom to Read Statement, Freedom to View Statement, and Diverse Collections—An Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights Statement (See Exhibit 1, Exhibit 2, Exhibit 3, and Exhibit 4.) As such, the Tinley Park Public Library Board of Trustees maintains and adopts the position that materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval. Within this context of intellectual freedom and the individual’s right to have access to ideas, information, and perspectives representing multiple points of view, has developed a Collection Development Policy to set forth the scope of its collections, the role of the Library Board and staff in developing these collections, the criteria by which materials are selected and evaluated, and the methods by which community members may contribute to the collection.

The Tinley Park Public Library is a member of Reaching Across Illinois Library System (RAILS), System Wide Automated Network (SWAN), and OCLC Worldshare. In conjunction with these entities, the Library may utilize interlibrary loan to satisfy those patron requests that cannot be met by the Library’s own collection.

This policy will be reviewed every two years or as needed.


The Tinley Park Public Library primarily serves patrons residing within the Library’s boundaries as well as those under contractual agreement with the Orland Hills Public Library District.


The Board of Trustees of the Tinley Park Public Library is responsible for reviewing and approving this Collection Development Policy. The Board is responsible for protecting the rights of the Library user and answering all questions regarding the policy and preservation of an individual’s right to know.

In accordance with Illinois library law, specific selection, ordering, maintenance, and weeding of all Library materials are delegated to the Library Director.


The Library Director delegates selecting, ordering, maintaining, and weeding the library collection to the appropriate staff as outlined by the Board of Trustees of the Tinley Park Public Library’s Collection Development Policy. Under the Library Director’s supervision, such members of the professional staff who are qualified by education and training will participate in selection and weeding of library materials. No employee may be disciplined or dismissed for the selection of Library materials when the selection is made in good faith and in accordance with this written Collection Development Policy.


The collection is designed to meet the diverse needs of Tinley Park Public Library patrons of all ages and takes into consideration community needs and interests, demographic makeup, the diversity of American society, and professional standards of collection development. It is the duty of the staff to acquire materials which meet these needs even though the materials may present views contrary to the personal beliefs of staff members, Library Board members, community organizations, or individuals. Multiple formats will be considered when selecting materials, taking into consideration potential future technological advances. The Library provides materials in whatever format best meets the needs of the community, whether hard copy or digital. Textbooks and scholarly materials may be acquired only when they serve the general public by providing information on subjects where little or no material is available in other forms. Materials of a highly specialized, academic, or technical nature are typically excluded from the collection.

Patrons may also access information through online resources, including numerous specialized and technical resources. License agreements enable the library to provide downloadable, streaming, and other digital resources to Tinley Park Public Library cardholders.

Additional physical materials are available to patrons throughout the community via the Library’s Bookmobile.

The Tinley Park Public Library provides, within its budgetary and spatial limitations, a general collection embracing broad areas of knowledge and featuring materials and resources that represent a diversity of voices and interests and serve a diverse audience. Additionally, the library houses the Tinley Moraine Genealogy Collection, local history resources, and local newspapers in microfilm and digital format.


The Tinley Park Public Library policy directs that the selection of Library materials shall be made based on their value to interest, enlighten, entertain, and inform all people of the Library’s community. No material is excluded because of the race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability status, political or partisan views, or social views of the material’s creator(s).

Selection of materials is influenced by:

  • Anticipation of and response to continuing and changing needs and interests of the community and individuals
  • Professional judgment
  • Input garnered from critical reviews and selection sources
  • Budgetary considerations and item cost
  • Timeliness
  • Patron requests
  • Community demand
  • Durability of format
  • Availability from library-approved vendors
  • Diversity of formats to ensure equal access
  • Other considerations

Tools used in selection include reports from collection development software and the Integrated Library System (ILS), professional and book trade journals, media reviews, publisher promotional materials, bestseller lists, and online resources. Multiple copies of a title may be purchased or rented based on anticipated or demonstrated demand or to meet programming needs. Purchase suggestions from patrons are also welcomed and considered using the same selection criteria detailed above.

If an item suggested by a Tinley Park Public Library patron is not purchased, the Library will attempt to obtain the item from interlibrary loan whenever possible.

Online resources and digital materials play a key role in the library’s collection. In addition to standard criteria used in selecting other formats, special criteria for digital formats include ease of use, technology requirements, the availability of remote access, and the resource’s ability to complement the physical collection.


Select materials, such as those written by local authors, may be donated in accordance with the guidelines detailed in this policy and in the library’s Gifts to the Library policy. Monetary donations are always welcome. In the case of money donated to purchase library materials, the donor may recommend an age level, broad subject area, and/or format. The library will attempt to honor the donor’s wishes if they are consistent with library policies, current needs, and available space. Both donations and materials purchased with donated funds become a part of the library’s collection and are subject to the library’s normal guidelines for weeding and disposal.

The Library does not accept materials that are not outright gifts. In certain cases, a special contract for maintenance and use of a collection in the Library is entered into between the Library and the party retaining control of the material.


To maintain an up-to-date and useful collection, any worn, damaged, outdated, and/or obsolete materials are continuously withdrawn in the process known as weeding. Materials may also be weeded if they are little used, are duplicate copies, or have been superseded by a new edition or updated work on the same subject. Materials in poor condition may be replaced using the same criteria as that for original selection.

When possible, and at the full discretion of Library Administration and the Tinley Park Public Library Board of Trustees, withdrawn materials in good condition are donated to community partners or non-profit organizations. Materials in poor condition are recycled.


Given the diverse nature of the collection, not all materials are suitable for all patrons, and responsibility for children’s or teens’ choice and use of resources rests with their parents or legal guardians. Selection for the Library’s collections is not restricted by the possibility that children or teens may access resources their parents or legal guardians may consider inappropriate. The library believes in the freedom of the individual, and the right and obligation of parents or legal guardians to guide, develop, and maintain their own values in their family.


A singular obligation of the public library is to reflect within its collection differing points of view on controversial or debatable subjects. The Tinley Park Public Library does not promote particular beliefs or views, nor does the selection of an item express or imply endorsement of the viewpoint of the author. Library materials are not marked or identified to show approval or disapproval of the contents, nor will items be sequestered, except for the purpose of protecting them from damage or theft.

Comments from members of the community about the collection or individual items in the collection frequently provide librarians with useful information about interests or needs that may not be adequately met by the collection. The Library welcomes expression of opinion by patrons but will be governed by this Collection Development Policy in making additions to or removing items from the collection.

Members of the community may bring their concerns regarding any specific title or item in the collection to the attention of the Library. A Reconsideration of Library Materials form is available at all service desks and on the library’s website.

Until the Reconsideration of Library Materials form and its review process has been completed, no removal or restriction of material undergoing review shall take place. The decision of the Board of Trustees on reconsideration of material is final.

Patron Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials Form *

Original: 1997
Revised: June 2003
Revised: July 2007
Revised: October 2008
Revised: October 2013
Revised: August 2014
Revised: April 2018
Revised: October 2023