Closed. Open Today 12PM-5PM

Events and Programs Policy

The Tinley Park Public Library offers events and programs that foster literacy, cultural appreciation, personal growth, recreation, and community connections. Events and programs sponsored by the Library support the Library’s mission and expand the visibility and engagement of the Library in the community. These events are sometimes presented in cooperation with other agencies and institutions.

Sponsorship or co-sponsorship of Library events and programs requires a mutually beneficial agreement between the Library and the sponsoring organizations. Sponsorships include, but are not limited to:

  • Financial support
  • Staffing support
  • Facility use

External organizations or individuals partnering with the Library on events and programs must submit a request, complete proper paperwork, and coordinate promotional efforts with the Library.

Library staff may use, but are not limited to, the following criteria in event planning:

  • Relation to Library mission, vision, and strategic direction
  • Community needs and interest
  • Presentation quality and treatment of content for intended audience
  • Presenter background/qualifications/reputation
  • Availability of program space
  • Budget and staffing considerations
  • Connection to other community programs, exhibits, or events

The Library affirms and supports its patrons’ freedom and responsibility to choose events and programs to attend according to their needs, individual tastes, or family values. Patrons should apply those values to their attendance of Library events and programs only for themselves and should not restrict nor interfere with other patrons’ freedom to attend events or programs in any way. Presenters may offer events and programs that meet the needs of the community even when they may present views contrary to the personal beliefs of staff members, Library trustees, community organizations, or individuals.

Events and programs sponsored by the Library are generally offered free of charge. Some events and programs may be restricted by age level, room capacity, minimum or maximum attendance requirements, or residency. In limited circumstances, registration may be limited to Tinley Park Public Library cardholders due to demand and capacity limitations, or there may be a charge for attendance. Restrictions will be noted in advance of the event or program.

Events and programs may be canceled for a number of reasons including, but not limited to: severe weather, absence of the presenter, or low registration. If an event or program is cancelled, efforts will be made to notify registered participants, and to let the public know. Canceled events and programs are not automatically rescheduled.

Board Approved 10/26/2022