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Interlibrary Loan Policy

Interlibrary loan is the process by which a library requests materials from, or supplies materials to, another library. Through interlibrary loan, patrons may access materials from other libraries in Illinois and from other U.S. libraries that participate in OCLC. The requested materials are sent to the Tinley Park Public Library, where the patron may check the items out (or use them in the library, if so stipulated by the owning library).

The library affirms that interlibrary loan is an adjunct to, not a substitute for, the library’s collection. The library exhausts local resources first, including its own collection and those of libraries in the Reaching Across Illinois Library System (RAILS), before requesting items from libraries out of the system. The Tinley Park Public Library endorses the Illinois State Library’s ILLINET Interlibrary Loan Code.

Interlibrary Borrowing

This service is offered to all patrons holding a valid library card issued by the Tinley Park Public Library or another SWAN-member library.  Patrons’ accounts must be in good standing to participate in interlibrary loan. Patrons of non-SWAN libraries should initiate their requests through their home library.

How to submit a request
Patrons may place a hold by contacting either the library’s Adult Reference or Youth Services Department in person, by phone, by fax, or electronically through email, chat, or SMS. When placing a request, a patron needs to provide as much information as possible about the item to be requested, along with their name, library card number, and phone number or email address. Patrons may also place holds themselves online through the SWAN catalog.

What may be borrowed
All hard-copy formats may be requested (e.g., books, audiovisual materials, periodicals, government documents, microfilm, photocopies, etc.). The library does not place holds on multiple copies of the same title in the same format.

There is no fee for borrowing materials from other libraries in Illinois (unless the requested item is a photocopy; depending upon the supplying library there may be a $3.00 fee).

There is a $3.00 charge to borrow materials from libraries in other states. In addition, some libraries charge a handling fee to supply materials. Borrowing charges are owed only if the library is able to obtain the item and are payable upon receipt (i.e., when the item is checked out). If an item obtained from out of state is not picked up after the requesting patron has been notified of its availability, the $3.00 fee is attached to the patron’s SWAN record.

Patrons are apprised of borrowing charges ($3.00 fee plus any handling fees) and must agree to pay them before a request for out-of-state material is processed. Out-of-system items must be returned to the Tinley Park Public Library.  A $3.00 fine is added to a patron’s record for each out-of-system item returned elsewhere.

Turnaround time
Service is provided as quickly as possible. The turnaround time varies depending upon the lending library and the status of the materials requested (e.g. on-order, checked out, etc.). Assuming the item is currently available, items requested within SWAN usually arrive between three to five business days. Items requested from non-SWAN libraries within the state of Illinois generally take two to three weeks to arrive, whereas items requested from outside the state of Illinois generally take three to six weeks to arrive. Patrons are notified if the library is unable to obtain an item.

When materials arrive, the interlibrary loan staff call, email, or text the requesting patron, depending on the preference stated in the patron’s record. After the patron has been contacted, the patron has 7 days to pick up the material. For items obtained outside of RAILS, the patron receives a second notification that the item is ready to be picked up and will be held for seven additional days. If the item is not picked up after the second notification, it is sent back to the owning library.

Loan period

If an item was borrowed from a SWAN library and checked out at the Tinley Park Public Library, the loan period and renewal options are governed by the Tinley Park Library’s circulation policy. If an item was obtained from a non-SWAN library, the loan period and renewal options are determined by the owning library. Photocopies may be kept by the requestor.

The library strictly observes any conditions for use of loaned materials that may be imposed by non-SWAN libraries (e.g., shortened loan period, in-library use only, no renewals). Patrons may request the same title from a non-SWAN library only once every three months; the lending library sets the limit on the number of times this title may be renewed.

Patron responsibility
The patron is responsible for picking up the requested item. Patrons who fail to pick up items obtained from non-SWAN libraries are assessed a borrowing fee. It is also the patron’s responsibility to return items in a timely fashion. If an item is lost or damaged, the patron is responsible for the cost of the item and for any processing fees charged by the owning library. When materials are lost or are returned late, borrowing privileges of both the patron and the Tinley Park Public Library are jeopardized. Interlibrary loan borrowing privileges of patrons who consistently abuse these privileges may be suspended.

Patrons who wish to renew items obtained from outside the SWAN consortium should contact the Adult Reference Department at least three weekdays before the due date. The Interlibrary Loan staff will attempt to renew the item and notify the patron if the item may or may not be renewed. Renewals are at the sole discretion of the owning library and cannot be guaranteed.

Interlibrary Lending

The Tinley Park Public Library loans materials to all libraries. Patrons of SWAN libraries may request items from our collection through the SWAN catalog. Patrons of non-SWAN libraries should initiate their requests through their home library.

How to submit a request
Illinois libraries may submit requests by mail (ALA form or equivalent required), fax, OCLC, phone (confirming fax required), or through the SWAN system. Libraries outside of Illinois may submit requests by fax (ALA form) or OCLC. The Tinley Park Public Library’s OCLC library symbol, mailing address, telephone numbers, and fax number is appended to this document.  Items requested by Illinois libraries are sent via the Illinois Library Delivery Service (ILDS).

What may be borrowed
The library endeavors to make available the broadest range of materials for interlibrary loan, with the following exceptions: microform, newspapers, new materials, and reference materials. The library also reserves the right to refuse to lend materials or to ask a borrowing library to restrict use of materials lent.

The Tinley Park Public Library does not charge for lending materials.

Loan period
Items borrowed from libraries outside of the SWAN consortium are checked out for four weeks. This allows for two weeks’ transit time and for a two-week checkout to patrons of the borrowing library. If an item is not on reserve for another patron, the item may be renewed. There is a limit of two renewals.

Lost interlibrary loan materials
The Tinley Park Public Library assesses a fee on a lost item equal to the replacement cost of the item plus a $5.00 processing fee. The borrowing library is responsible for the payment of this fee.

Up to 25 pages will be provided, within copyright limits. There are no charges for photocopies. Materials are photocopied from hard copy, microfilm, or digital resources, as permitted by copyright law.

Contact Information

Tinley Park Public Library
Interlibrary Loan Department
7851 Timber Drive
Tinley Park, IL 60477
Phone: 708.532.0160 ext. 5680
Fax: 708.532.9813
OCLC symbol: HHO

        Board approved 4/03
        Effective 6/03
        Revised 3/07
        Revised 4/07
        Revised 5/07
        Revised 3/11
        Revised 10/11
        Revised 9/12
        Revised 10/15
        Revised 5/16