Closed. Open Today 12PM-5PM

Meeting Room Policy

Meeting Room Policy & Hold Harmless Agreement

The Tinley Park Public Library provides meeting rooms as a limited public forum to support the cultural, educational, informational, and recreational needs of the community.

Library meeting room use will not be denied to any person or organization because of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, unfavorable discharge from military service, political affiliation, physical challenges, or any characteristic that is currently protected by applicable law. The Tinley Park Public Library Board of Trustees subscribes to the tenets of the Library Bill of Rights, which states in part: Libraries which make exhibit spaces and meeting rooms available to the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations or individuals or groups requesting their use.

Use of the library meeting room does not constitute the library’s endorsement of the philosophies, practices, or viewpoints of presenters, participants, or attendees. First priority use of all meeting rooms is given to library-sponsored meetings or programs. Reservations for the meeting room must be made within 30 days of the date requested. Groups must be larger than 10 people to reserve the room.

In addition to library-related programs, the following groups may use the meeting rooms for cultural, civic, and informal education purposes: non-profit organizations, local businesses holding training, local condo and townhome associations or other non-commercial meetings. The library reserves the right to request a copy of an organization’s non-profit status.

Meeting rooms may not be used for: (1) gambling activities, including but not limited to bingo, raffles and games of chance for monetary prizes or other items of value; (2) political rallies, campaigning, or electioneering; (3) private and social functions, which are defined as a function solely for entertainment through companionship with friends or associates including but not limited to weddings, showers, anniversaries, card parties, birthday parties and social club parties; (3) commercial functions, including but not limited to sales presentations of any kind or meetings of or for for-profit entities; (4) film screenings that are not library-sponsored programs or events; or (5) any other activity that materially or substantially interferes with the ordinary functions of the library and/or may cause excessive noise; create safety hazards or security risks; create threats to public health, safety, or property; or violate the library’s Patron Behavior Policy.

All users are responsible for complying with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which requires that a meeting or materials at a meeting be provided in an accessible format in response to a request. All special ADA accommodations will be provided by the sponsoring group or organization. All meetings must be open to the public. Individuals and groups may not charge admission nor solicit or require donations for their meetings.  No goods or services may be solicited or sold, except at library-sponsored events. Individuals and organizations reserving use of the meeting room are responsible for their own publicity. All publicity must state that the Tinley Park Public Library is not a sponsor of the organization and its program. Only the library’s name and address may be included in any publicity or promotional materials; the library’s telephone number may not be used for any purpose, nor is the library to be included as a source of further information, registrations, or messages regarding the event.

Authorization to use the meeting rooms is not transferable to any other individual or organization. Meeting rooms may be reserved only by a person, eighteen years of age or older, with a current Tinley Park Public Library card in good standing. It is the responsibility of this contact person to be present at the time of use to ensure compliance with this policy.  This contact person is responsible for the willful or accidental damage of the library building, furniture, grounds and equipment, or materials. In the case of a serious disturbance, the group will be asked to vacate the room immediately, and the police will be called.

The Tinley Park Public Library reserves the right to modify this policy and to cancel any reservation of the meeting rooms due to unforeseen circumstances.  The library may also cancel a group’s reservation/s if the meeting room policy is violated.

Meeting room users agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Tinley Park Public Library, its Board of Trustees, all library staff, and the Village of Tinley Park for any and all accidents which may occur on library premises as a result of the user’s activities.

The Library Director or their designee will have complete administrative authorization and responsibility for the approval of applications and the scheduling of the meeting rooms.

Approval of individual meeting situations not described here will be determined by the Library Director or their designee. The Tinley Park Public Library reserves the right to waive portions of this policy to accommodate library-sponsored meetings and programs.

Tinley Park Public Library Board of Trustees
Approved:  February 23, 2005
Revised: 1/26/05, 4/23/03, 5/23/07, 9/24/14, 8/24/16, 7/6/17, 5/25/22

Meeting Room Regulations

1. Hours

Meetings may be scheduled on days when the library is open, at the following times:

  • Monday – Friday: 9:30a.m. – 8:30p.m.
  • Saturday: 9:30a.m. – 4:30p.m.
  • Sunday: 12:30 – 4:30p.m.

Meeting room doors will open at the scheduled time of meeting. All meeting rooms must be vacated no later than 8:30p.m. Monday through Friday, and 4:30p.m. Saturday and Sunday.

2. Fees

No fees will be charged to the Friends of the Tinley Park Public Library, to any library-sponsored group, or to local federal and state government agencies.

Nonprofit Groups

A $25 deposit will be asked of the person applying for the use of the meeting room. This deposit will be available for return on the next business day after the scheduled use of the meeting room. The TPPL will accept a donation from any nonprofit group for the use of the meeting room.


$50 per hour for use of meeting room to be reserved by the hour. Use of audio-visual equipment requires a non-refundable fee of $25.

Fees must be paid at the time the application form request is submitted unless previous arrangements have been made with the Business Office. Fees are refundable if for any reason the Tinley Park Public Library cancels a meeting. In cases where an organization or an individual cancels a meeting at least one week (seven days) before the scheduled meeting date, the meeting room fee will be reimbursed. If a meeting is canceled less than one week before the date of the meeting, the meeting room fees will not be reimbursed.

3. Meeting Room Set-Up

A. In Auditorium arrangement, Full meeting room capacity is 150 seats; Large meeting room capacity is 90 seats; Small meeting room capacity is 45 seats.

B. In Classroom arrangement, Full meeting room capacity is 24 tables and 72 seats; Large meeting room capacity is 20 tables and 60 seats; Small meeting room capacity is 8 tables and 24 seats.

C. In Conference arrangement, Full meeting room capacity is 18 tables and 66 seats; Large meeting room capacity is 8 tables and 28 chairs; Small meeting room capacity is 6 tables and 22 chairs.

4. Audio-Visual Equipment

Use of audio-visual equipment requires a refundable deposit of $25 to be paid at time of reservation of the room/s.

Any group or person using the meeting room may request at time of application the use of audio-visual equipment in the meeting rooms.  Use of equipment may be limited by the room that has been requested; use of the projector and screen is limited to the Full meeting room or the Large meeting room. Please confirm audio-visual use with the Business Office at the time of reservation and deposit.

5. Food

Food preparation is not permitted.  Only bottled water/coffee and box lunches are permitted.  Sterno cooking fuel, and other products that are used to heat food, are prohibited. All supplies such as cups, napkins, etc., must be provided by the person/organization. Clean-up is the responsibility of the person/organization.

6. Damage

Damage resulting from use of the meeting room that requires replacement or professional cleaning will be the responsibility of the person or organization using the room. The person/organization will be barred from further use of the room and the contact person’s library card will be blocked until such damages are paid.

7. Staff Assistance

Meeting rooms and any equipment will be set up in advance as requested on the Meeting Room Agreement form; room setups and equipment will not be changed on the day of the meeting.

8. Penalties

The failure to comply with the above regulations will result in the loss of meeting room privileges; the contact person will be responsible for the payment of any fines that result from damage to the meeting room/s; and in the case of a serious disturbance, the police will be called.

9. Application for Use

Written application for use of the Meeting Room/s shall be made on an approved form by a qualified representative of the Tinley Park Public Library.