Closed. Open Today 12PM-5PM

Patron Behavior on Library Property Policy

It is the role of the Tinley Park Public Library to enrich the community and all other eligible patrons by providing dynamic resources, exceptional service, and reliable information in a comfortable, welcoming space. The purpose of this Patron Behavior Policy is to ensure that the Library has a pleasant and productive environment for its users to fulfill those needs. All patrons shall have fair and equitable opportunity to the quiet use and enjoyment of the Library’s services, materials and facilities without being subjected to unreasonable interference or disturbance by others. Patrons using the Library are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is appropriate to the Library’s purpose.

Patrons who violate the Library’s rules of behavior will be asked to stop the unacceptable behavior or activity. Patrons who continue to violate the rules of behavior may be asked for identification and will be required to leave the building for the day. In the case of misconduct which is extreme, the offender will be asked to leave the building immediately, or the police will be called.


  • Disruptive behavior such as rowdiness, running, noise, vandalism, obscene or vulgar language or such behavior not in accordance with the normal use of the library. Cellular phone or pager use that impinges the rights of others or disturbs other Library patrons will be considered disruptive behavior.
  • Harassment of any kind or for any reason of a Library patron or employee (whether verbal, physical or visual) is prohibited. Harassment encompasses a broad range of physical or verbal behavior which may include, but is not limited to:
    • Physical or mental abuse
    • Racial insults
    • Derogatory ethnic jokes
    • Religious slurs
    • Sexually suggestive queries or remarks
    • Taunting
  • Entering unauthorized areas, remaining in the Library building after closing or when requested to leave during emergency situations.
  • Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Loitering and/or impeding access to the Library or any part of the Library property.
  • Engaging in illegal activity while in the Library or bookmobile.
  • Mutilation of Library materials by marking, underlining, removal of pages, removing electronic detection devices or in any way defacing Library property.
  • Removal of Library materials without authorization.
  • Tampering with or intentionally damaging Library computer hardware, software, printer, operating systems or other associated equipment.
  • Smoking, including the carrying or holding of a lighted pipe, cigar, or cigarette or any other lighted smoking equipment and also including the use of an electronic pipe, cigar, or cigarette in the Library or within 15 feet of a Library entrance, or the use of smokeless tobacco or illegal drugs in the Library.
  • Concealing Library materials for the exclusive use of an individual or group.
  • Refusal to abide by Library regulations regarding the return of materials and payment of fines.
  • Consumption of food or alcohol.
  • Entering the Library with uncovered beverages. (Examples of covered beverages are coffee cups with a lid, water or soft drink bottles with a screw on top, soft drink cans and soft drink containers with a lid and straw).
  • Weapons such as explosives, firearms except by on-duty law enforcement officers, knives, look-alike weapons, or any other objects that can reasonably be considered as weapons, are not permitted on Library property or at any related events.
  • Users are not permitted to leave personal belongings when they leave the building. The Library is not responsible for any loss of user’s personal belongings, through theft or otherwise. Bulky items that take up excessive space are not permitted in the Library facilities or on Library grounds.
  • Animals, other than specifically trained animals used as aids by persons with disabilities, are not permitted in the Library.
  • Sleeping.
  • Patrons must wear footwear and proper clothing providing appropriate body coverage.
  • Patrons whose bodily hygiene is offensive as to constitute a nuisance to others may be required to leave the building or bookmobile.
  • Solicitation, fundraising, campaigning, lobbying, proselytizing, selling and loitering on Library property is prohibited.
  • Use of photographic equipment of any kind on the Library premises except upon order of approval of the Library Administrator.
  • Use roller skates, roller blades, skate boards or jump ropes on Library property including the Library building, walkways, entryways, parking or landscaped areas.


  • Children 9 years old and younger should not be left unattended in the Library.
  • Furniture may not be rearranged.
  • All users must comply with state, federal and local laws.
  • The Library reserves the right to impose time limits upon continuous use of Library equipment.
  • The Library reserves the right to inspect the contents of all bags, purses, briefcase and backpacks, etc. for Library materials.
  • Shaving, bathing or laundering clothes in the public restrooms is prohibited.

Any patron who violates these or other posted rules and regulations may be temporarily barred from using the Library by the Library Administrator or may be permanently barred from the use of the Library by the Library Board of Trustees.  The Library will actively pursue disciplinary action, prosecution or other legal actions when necessary.

In addition, all patrons must expeditiously leave the Library premises at closing time. Transportation is the sole responsibility of the patron or parent, guardian or other authorized person. Adults or minors who remain at the Library after closing may be referred to the police in order to ensure their safety.

Any Library staff member may enforce this Policy by pointing out violations to patrons and requesting compliance with this Policy. Staff members shall report serious or recurring violations to the Librarian-in-charge. The Librarian-in-charge may request that a patron who refuses to comply with the Policy leave the Library for the remainder of the day or until his or her behavior is brought into compliance with the Policy.

Video recordings made from security cameras showing a violation by a patron of the Library’s Patron Behavior Policy may be used to support suspension or termination of a patron’s Library privileges and/or immediate ejection from the Library.

The Library Administrator is authorized to exclude from the use of the Library any person who engages in behavior violating this Patron Behavior Policy. The patron may appeal the decision of the Board of Library Trustees in writing within one month of the exclusion date. The Library Administrator or, if appealed, the Board of Trustees will determine the time period for which a patron is excluded from the Library.

The Library Board of Trustees reserves the right to amend this policy at any time.

Board Approved 5/25/2005
Revised 6/27/2007, 2/24/2010, 5/29/2013, 4/22/2015, 1/22/2020