The library will be closed Tuesday, December 24 and Wednesday, December 25.

Closed. Open Today 9AM-5PM

Book Discussions

Join fellow readers for book discussions led by library staff! Grab a copy of the book being discussed one month before the discussion date at the Adult Reference Desk, or check out a copy through Libby or hoopla.

See Events Calendar
illustration: four people reading books with a few potted plants nearby

For Adults

Out of the Ordinary Book Group: discusses fiction from an eclectic variety of genres.

  • Meets the third Thursday of the month, 7–8 pm

Too Good to Be Missed Book Group: discusses popular fiction and nonfiction.

  • Meets the second Wednesday of the month, 1:30–2:30 pm

Keep an eye out for additional discussions on special themes! Check out our quarterly Pathways Newsletter or our online event calendar.