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Celebrating African American History Month

January 26, 2023


African American History Month

February is African American History Month! We have reading recommendations, events, and online resources that can help you celebrate African American heritage and history this month and year round.

Displays & Recommended Reading

Come to the library and peruse our displays for all ages during February. Our librarians have also curated lists of titles for adults, children & families, and teens that you can view through our online catalog.

Library Events

African American Genealogy

Family smilingThursday, February 2: 6:30-7:30 pm
Learn how to explore your roots with genealogy educator Anita Boyd. This engaging presentation will help you understand what information you should look for and where to find it. Attend in person or view recording at a later time. Signup required.
Sign up

African American Influences in Music & Movies

A person playing the saxophone

Saturday, February 18: 2-3:30 pm
Film enthusiast John LeGear presents a fun-filled history of the contributions of African American writers, musicians, and performers in movies and music over the last century. Signup required. 
Sign up

Black History Hall of Fame

Iconic African American figures George Washington Carver, Rosa Parks, and Mae Jemison

Monday, February 20: 2-3 pm
Families: Bright Star Theatre will introduce us to some of the most significant Black Americans in the last few hundred years with an interactive show! Signup required for each attendee.
Sign up

Online Resources

Hoopla logo, blue and whiteKanopy logo, black and white

Hoopla offers eBooks, eAudiobooks, music, and movies for all ages that center African American experiences.

Kanopy: During African American History Month, we’d like to highlight the extensive collection of films that Kanopy has that honors the rich heritage and history of the Black community. Join us as we explore their catalog of titles and their curated collection at

Ancestry Library Edition
Ancestry is the world’s largest collection of online family history records. The Library Edition provides census records from 1790-1930; birth, marriage, and death records; immigration records; vital and church records; military records; and court, land, and probate records. You must visit the library to use this resource.

Explore your family history with the premier collection of U.S. obituaries and death notices for in-depth genealogical research from 1704–today. HeritageHub helps you easily identify relatives, uncover new information, and potentially find unknown family members.

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