Open today 12PM-5PM

Fall Community Storytimes

September 20, 2023

different types of serivce trucks

This fall, we’ll be hosting special Community Storytimes! Your child will get to hear a story, learn about what different Village of Tinley Park departments do for our community, and see some of their cool vehicles up close.

Public Works Storytime

Friday, September 29: 11-11:30 am
Location: East side of the library near red caboose
Drop-in Event
A member of the Public Works Department will join in the fun by reading one of our picturebook selections and explaining the importance of wearing PPE. Stay for an exclusive mini touch-a-truck event to get up close to the different vehicles used by Public Works! No signup necessary.
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Fire Department Storytime

Monday, October 9: 11-11:30 am
Location: Station 47, 7825 W. 167th St.
A member of the Tinley Park Fire Department will join in the fun by reading one of our picturebook selections and explaining the responsibilities of a firefighter. After storytime, stay for a tour of the station and to explore the library Bookmobile. Signup required.

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Police Department Storytime

Monday, November 13: 11-11:30 am
Location: Tinley Park Police Department, 7850 W. 183rd St.
Drop-in Event
Join us at this special storytime to talk about what the Tinley Park Police Department does for our community. A member of the department will join in the fun by reading one of our selections and explaining their daily job responsibilities. No signup required.
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