The second floor will be closed for renovation on Thursday, March 13.

Youth & Teen Services staff will be available to help you in the Lobby.

Closed. Open Tomorrow

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten is a national initiative that encourages parents to read with their children before starting Kindergarten. Reading to babies, toddlers, and preschoolers helps them develop important skills they’ll need for school. Additionally, it promotes a lifelong love for books and provides a chance for you to bond with your child in a unique way.

How Our Program Works

Sign up your child for the challenge at the Youth Services Desk on the second floor to receive your initial reading log. Record the number of books that you read with your child on this log.

Each time that you and your child finish both sides of one log sheet (100 books), return to the Youth Services Desk and receive a new log, milestone sticker, and prize sticker. Your child will use their milestone stickers to track their progress on a paper train car on our window display along with all of the other children participating in the program. The prize sticker is for your child to keep!

After reading 1,000 books, your child will receive a book of their choice, their completed train car, and a certificate commemorating their accomplishment. (Note: Children who begin the program at ages four or five need only to read 300 books to qualify for the ending prize).

Start Reading!

There are many ways that you and your child can reach the goal of 1,000 books. Although it may seem daunting at first, it comes out to about three readings per day for three years. Books that you read at home, hear with your child at storytime, or that they hear in preschool count toward your goal. Repeat readings of favorite books and partial readings of books count as well.

If you’re looking for suggestions for books to read, the Youth Services Department provides a number of reading lists sorted by topic. These can be found on our website or in the Youth Services Department.

Reading Rockets, a website devoted to providing resources for early literacy, has reading tips for parents available in multiple languages.

If you’re looking for even more books and ways for you to engage with your child in this very crucial stage of their learning, please ask a librarian at the Youth Services Desk on the second floor. We are always available to help!