Closed. Open Tomorrow

Junior Reads Subscription Bags

Junior Reads Subscription Bags

Grades 3–5: Sign up for a monthly subscription bag with books and goodies, chosen based on your reading preferences.

How it works

  • Sign up for your subscription bag using the form below.
  • Please answer all of the questions so we get to know you better.
  • You will pick up your bag from the Youth & Teen Services Desk on the first Monday of each month (see subscription schedule below).
  • Your bag will include two books based on your preferences and fun surprises.
  • When you finish the books, return them to the library, but keep the rest—it’s for you!
  • There are a total of 30 slots available for each three-month subscription cycle. This service is intended for students in grades 3–5.

Signup for the next subscription cycle is open from March 1–20 (while slots are available). Fill out the form below to reserve your subscription bags for April, May, and June!

Pickup dates: April 7, May 5, and June 2