The library will be closed Tuesday, December 24 and Wednesday, December 25.

Open today 9AM-5PM

Tags for 10

How Our Program Works

Readers in Kindergarten through fifth grade can select and collect tags for every 10 books at their reading level that they read.  Fiction, nonfiction, graphic novels . . . everything counts toward your goal.  Read at your own pace, and when you’ve read 10 books and recorded the books on your log sheet, check in at the Youth Services Desk to select a new tag.  Collect as many as you can!  We have a rotating collection of tags, including ones that are seasonal or limited edition, so be sure to check back frequently to view the current selection online or at the library.

How to Sign Up

To sign up, visit the Youth Services Desk on the second floor.  The librarian at the desk will give you your first log sheet as well as a tag just for signing up!  From there, you can begin reading your books and recording them on your sheet.  Return to the desk after you have completed your log sheet to collect a new tag.