Teen Reads Subscription Box
Grades 6–12: You can now sign up for a monthly subscription box with books and goodies, chosen based on your reading preferences.
How it works
- Sign up for your subscription box using the form below.
- The more details about your reading preferences you give us, the better.
- Pick up your box from the Youth Services Desk on the first Monday of each month. The librarian at the desk will check the books out on your card.
- Inside the box you will find a library book (or two!) and little gifts based on your preferences.
- When you finish the book, return it to the library, but keep the rest—it’s for you!
- We have 30 slots available each subscription cycle. This service is intended for teens in grades 6–12.
Signup for the next subscription cycle is open from March 1–20 (while slots are available). Fill out the form below to reserve your subscription bags for April, May, and June!
Pickup dates: April 7, May 5, and June 2