Open today 9AM-9PM

Your Library Card

Anyone—with or without a card—is welcome to use the library’s public spaces, read our books, and use our Wi-Fi while visiting.

What can I do with my Tinley Park Public Library card?

Check out books & more

  • Check out books, audiobooks on CD, DVDs, music CDs, and video games
  • Check out a Nintendo Switch or a Wi-Fi hot spot
  • Check out a Museum Pass
  • And more!

Search our catalog
Cheerful AfricanAmerican boy and dad reading in the park

Stream & download digital materials

Stream & Download
Smiling senior couple sitting on a bench looking at tablet

Use our online resources

Research & Online Learning
Relaxed woman sitting at table with coffee mug and laptop, reading the computer screen

Take advantage of many other services!

Explore services
Happy young women studying in a library with papers and laptops

Loan Periods & Fines

Material Loan Period Fines
Books 3 weeks $.10/day
Easy holiday books 1 week (not renewable) $.10/day
Audiobooks 3 weeks $.10/day
Magazines 3 weeks $.10/day
Nonfiction DVD/Blu-ray 3 weeks $.10/day
DVD/Blu-ray Movies 1 week $1.00/day
DVD/Blu-ray TV Series 3 weeks $1.00/day
Binge Boxes 1 week (not renewable) $1.00/day
Now Playing 1 week (not renewable) $1.00/day
Music CDs 3 weeks $.10/day
Sheet Music 3 weeks $.10/day
Pamphlets 3 weeks $.10/day
Console Games 3 weeks $1.00/day
Library of Things items 3 weeks (not renewable) $1.00/day
MacBooks 3 hours (in-house use only) $5.00/hour 
Youth Services iPads 1 hour (in-house use only) $1.00/hour

Patrons may borrow up to 100 items at a time. Max item limits:

  • 10 feature film DVDs or Blu-Rays
  • 25 CDs or audiobooks
  • 5 console games
  • 5 Library of Things items, no more than one of which may be a technology device

Patrons may have no more than 50 holds placed at any given time.